Amiga mods released at Gerp 2025

Look mommy, I won a music compo! Haven’t done that for yeears, so that makes me happy. Competing in music is a beautiful thing! ;) I also released Skwash 25 in the standard Amiga music compo, and it placed decently at #5 despite (because?) the other songs being...
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I released a mini-album called * for DVD Dead Drop Volume 5, curated by Fach & Asendorf back in 2013. It was only available through the wall of MOMI in New York, thanks to the installation by Aram Bartholl. I’ve uploaded it to Bandcamp today, so it’s a...
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I made some quick PETSCII-suggestions for the BBS of 38CR (the notorious hacker event by CCC) around xmas, but I sent it in too late so it was never used.\o
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Mistigris 30

Mistigris 30

I made some stuff for the 30th anniversary of the text graphics group Mistigris, which is perhaps one of the more open and friendly groups around in “the scene”. You can see the full art pack here, with works from <3S (aka lt3s mouse), Darokin, Hortau,...
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