Spider Jam in Kirseberg

There was a jam last weekend with the robot, Linde, Jacob Remin, and me. Listen to two snippets here.

Acid af Robot

The robot is slowly starting to make its own music, here accompanied by a RE-303 bass line.

My First Song With the 808 Guy

Here's an unedited 15-minute eerie jam where the robot plays C64 and I play 808. Early tests, still. So be gentle. While you can.

The Robot Now Makes its own Music

Short clip of an early test of the robot making its own music, rather than remixing pre-made songs. I play the drums.

Video of Robot Music Talk at 34c3

We're talking about robot music at Chaos Communication Congress, 34c3. It's a pretty laidback presentation, because we left out lots of politics and philosophy and theory that surrounds this field.