> Dear Santa by Up Rough Kidz (Amiga-intro, 2005). Mega cute xmas mash up mega mix deluxe ballad!

> Hello:FRIEND by Fairlight (C64-demo, #3 @ LCP2005)

> Chasing Pop by Goto80 (Amiga-music, #1 @ LCP2005)

> Cp/l by Goto80 (C64-music, #5 @ LCP2005). Well, what can I say? What kind of music am I supposed to be doing at those dizzy copy parties? Besides, I did finish that very proper Chasing Pop tune at the same time aswell.

> Mental Respirator by Phantasy (Gameboy-demo, #5 @ Breakpoint 2005)

> Datahell by Goto80 (C64-music, #1 @ Floppy 2005). Made at the Floppy party, after having made the beta version already (they’re both featured on my Digi-Dig release). Some nice text art datatrash in there too, I think it was made by Autoboy.

hello frienddatahell!dear santamental respirator
